Never forget…

Poland, a home for arabian horses. We are following what’s happening in Poland and we hold their breath..what will happen in the future ..?

we are privileged to have wonderful mares with Polish blood and we wish with all our hearts that we in future can turn to Poland to find that little extra something , beautiful and irresistible which lays the foundation for our breeding.

Our little darling  Cengira by Girlan-Bey (PL) (Pesal-Grazja-Bis) out of  Centaurea (SE) (Granit-Caroline) 


Nanona by Fawor out of  Nisza (Eukaliptus ) in SASC 2012

Our visit in Polen at Janow Podlaski European Arabian Sporthorse Championships 2015

Cengira and her lovely daughter Cencessa ❤️❤️❤️
Painting by Hannah Andersson

Our thoughts are with you all in Poland

Team Palmaer 

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